Importance of Early Education

At age 19 I found myself teaching "headstart" in the urban village (slum) Savan, St. Thomas, US Virgin Islands.

The vital importance of this program was far more signicant to these children than their wealthier USA neigbors. It led me to a life long committment to "early childhood" experience to prepare people for the world of learning.

(side note) couple years ago my family stopped on a cruise for a day in St. Thomas, rented a car and found one of the schools I used to teach in. 45 years later, no longer a ramshakle shack with no running water, it was a modern elementry school that could have been in any us city. It had a huge sign that read PEACE CORPS ELEMENTRY SCHOOL! I got tearful and embaressed my sons.

Founded by Friedrich Froebel in 1840, the kindergarten-childcare center grew out of the necessity for children to experience careful nurturing which inhibited successful development. Pre-school programs in modern times follow three basic principles in order to maintain a developmentally sound atmosphere. The three princes are to understand each child develops on their own path, know children learn best through firsthand experiences, and recognize play is extremely important to overall childhood development. Furthermore, the child must be exposed to developmentally appropriate practices for their age in order to help, and not hinder, their development. For example, a child at a daycare allowing children to bully one another inhibits notions of learning empathy and compassion and eventually will lead to problems in emotional development. Overall, as long as they daycares strictly follow the three principles and use developmentally appropriate practices when instructing, childhood development should blossom successfully into the middle and late childhood.

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